The purpose of the architectural guidelines is to encourage individual architectural creativity within a unity of materials, finishes and architectural language, ensuring that the overall development harmonises and creates a balanced lifestyle for all residents. It is the aim of the guidelines to promote a unique South African Architectural approach to design at Cedar Creek, allowing architects and designers creative freedom within a cohesive overall language, through the use of natural materials,light, and strong architectural form. Each house should respond to its site and client’s individual brief within a context sympathetic to the whole.
To this end borrowed classical detailing and applied “styles” are strongly discouraged. Designers should rather seek to create original architecture using principles of good design.The guidelines serve to protect neighbours rites to privacy and light’, to prevent over bulking of the estate and to encourage a variety of roof scapes and street scapes, rather than to lay out a prescribed “style”. It is up to the individual architect to contribute to the successful execution of the developers aim and the supervising architects will also assist in attaining this goal.