We ask all residents to be vigilant in identifying and monitoring the practice of illegal snare setting in the estate. Several snares have been picked up in the last few days including a tragic of one of our residents cats being ensnared and seriously injured. We ask all residents who may see suspicious activity potentially in respect to poaching, the finding of snares or other traps to please report this immediately to the CCHA Estate Manager Davin Morgan.
Should any person be caught in possession or setting of snares in the estate, the individual/s will be removed from the Estate and banned from the estate. In addition to the ban, the person will be held until the South Africa Police Services (SAPS) removes the person from Security custody and a case of poaching and animal cruelty will be opened against that individual. Not only is the wild life at risk but domestic animals including dogs and cats. A further measure will be that the apprehended individual’s employer will be fined a R2000.00 spot penalty for not providing sufficient supervision and monitoring of their employees while on the Estate.